Combining videos

You can combine videos recorded with your camera by events, such as athletic meets, wedding ceremonies, etc.

  1. Click (Edit) at the top of the main window.

  2. Select [Combine Videos] from the drop-down list for edits (A).

  3. Select the videos you want to combine from the thumbnails, and click [Add] (B).

    The selected videos are added to the list of videos to be combined (C).
    • You can also add videos by dragging and dropping thumbnails.
  4. After adding all the videos you want to combine, click [Edit].

    The [Video Combining] window is displayed.
    Confirm the videos to be combined and the order in which videos are to be combined.

    • You can change the order of videos by dragging and dropping thumbnails.
  5. Click [Combine].

    The videos are combined.
    The combined video is saved in the folder where the first video is saved.



  • Only videos recorded in the AVCHD or MPEG-2 format can be combined with videos in their respective formats.
  • You cannot combine AVCHD format videos, if their frame rates are different.
  • You cannot combine NTSC videos with PAL videos, for example, combining 60p format videos with 50p format videos.
  • For details on the files that can be combined, see the table below.
    Video format
    60i/50i format
    24p/25p format
    60p/50p format
    3D format
    Recording mode
    Other than FX/FH
    AVCHD 60i/50i format FX/FH
    Other than FX/FH
    24p/25p format FX/FH
    60p/50p format PS
    3D format 3D
    *1 After videos are combined, the video screen size is changed to 1920 x 1080. However, depending on the files you have selected, the video screen size may not be changed to 1920 x 1080.
    Also, converting videos may take some time.
    *2 After videos are combined, the format will become AVCHD 60i/50i.
  • Re-encoding of videos may take some time.